Our Constitution

Amended Constitution – adopted May 2010

Dorset Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers

Founded 6th October 1947

1: The name of this Guild is the Dorset Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers.

2: The aims of this Guild are:

a) To develop the skills and excellence of craftsmanship of its members

b) To maintain a high standard of craftsmanship through workshops,     lectures, demonstrations and exhibitions etc.

c) To form links with other organisations having similar interests to allow exchange of


d) To collect and collate information relative to our crafts which can be used by the members.

3: Membership of the Guild

Application for membership of the Guild should be on the approved form. All membership is subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. Members’ children/ grandchildren under the age of 16 are welcome to attend meetings free of charge.

4: Subscription

Members pay an annual subscription due in January. The amount to be set by the Executive Committee and approved by members at the AGM.

5: Arrears of Subscription

Members who have not paid their subscription by the first week of March shall be deemed to have resigned from the Guild.

6: Executive Committee

a) The Guild will be administered by an Executive Committee elected by the members.

b) The Committee will be comprised of 3 officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) and 6 ordinary members.

c) Officers are nominated by 2 members and elected at the AGM. Officers retire annually but may be re-elected. The Chair may hold office for a maximum of 5 consecutive years.

d) Ordinary members may serve a maximum of 3 years and cannot seek re-election for 1 year.

e) Committee members are proposed and seconded by members and elected at the AGM. To qualify for nomination candidates must have been a member of a Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers for at least 1 year.

f) A quorum for committee meetings is one third of all committee members plus 1.

g) The President is elected by the Executive Committee and will be entitled to attend all meetings but is not entitled to vote at General Meetings.

h) The Chair may nominate a Vice-Chair to be approved by the Executive Committee annually.

i) The Executive Committee may co-opt Guild members to join the committee.

j) The Chair retains the casting vote in the event of equal voting at meetings.

k) The elected Executive Committee will be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Constitution and its decision is final.

7: Sub-Committees

a) The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees for approved projects to work under the direction of the Executive Committee. Non- Guild members may be co-opted onto a sub-committee with the approval of the Executive Committee but are not entitled to vote.

b) No expenditure or publicity may be undertaken without the approval of the Executive Committee.

8: Meetings of Members of the Guild and the Executive Committee

a) The Executive Committee will meet a minimum of 3 times each year.

b) Members of the Guild will meet a minimum of 4 times each year including the AGM.

c) The AGM is to be held at the end of the financial year.

d) Notice of and Agenda for the AGM are to be sent to Guild members at least 14 days prior to the AGM.

e) Full members wishing to propose resolutions at the AGM should submit the resolution to the Executive Committee at least 28 days before the AGM.

f) At the AGM each full member has one vote and the Chair the casting vote.

g) Extraordinary General Meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or by the written request of 15 members stating the object of the meeting.

9: Finance

The Accounts of the Guild are to be audited once a year by a competent person. The Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet are to be submitted to the members at the AGM.

10: Amendment to the Constitution

The Constitution may be altered, amended or added to by means of resolutions proposed at an AGM or EGM and voted on by the full members present. For any resolution to be carried it must be approved by a majority of members entitled to vote.

11: Prevention of Publicity or Trading in the Name of the Guild

No member may publish any matter in the name of the Guild without the written consent of the Executive Committee. No members may advertise or carry on any trade in the name of the Guild.

12: Payment of Expenses

Expenses incurred by Members or Officers in carrying out the work of the Guild may be paid at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

13: Dissolution of the Guild

Dissolution of the Guild can only occur by means of a resolution proposed at an AGM or EGM which is passed by a majority of two-thirds of full members present and entitled to vote. The Executive Committee will then proceed to realise the property of the Guild and, after the discharge of all liabilities, any surplus monies will be donated to an appropriate charity/ charities chosen by the full members present and voting at that meeting.